It is with great pleasure we welcome Karen and Geoff Friend as the new management team at Lake Ohau Quarters.
Together they will be responsible for continuing the high quality of hospitality services the Quarters has been renowned for.
Karen comes to us with a business background in executive management, runs a home-based accounting practice and is also an Artist! She says ‘I am deeply inspired by the McKenzie landscape and the alpine surrounds of Lake Ohau. Painting here will be pure pleasure!’
The forestry industry has been Geoff’s forte and he has operated sustainable yield forestry operations for many years. A keen hunter and tramper, he loves to get out and explore the wilds.
Karen and Geoff fell in love with the McKenzie country while exploring the mountains in the area, boating on the rivers and lakes, and camping in the valleys. Together they enjoy 4-wheel driving and discovering interesting, off-the-beaten-path places. It was on one of their camping trips that they discovered there was a job vacancy for the managers position at the Quarters and serendipity stepped right in!
They are excited about the next chapter in their lives and are looking forward to welcoming guests to the Lake Ohau Quarters.